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Michael Horberg, MD, MAS, FACP, FIDSA

Dr. Horberg is Associate Medical Director for Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group (KPMAS MAPMG), serving greater Baltimore and District of Columbia, suburban Maryland and northern Virginia. In that role, he is responsible for Research, Medical Education, Community Health, Medicaid, Genomics, HIV and STI, Complex Care, LGBTQI+ Health and Infection Prevention.

Dr. Horberg is the director of HIV/AIDS nationally for KP, serving nearly 80,000 members with HIV, as well as Clinical Lead for HIV/AIDS and STI, creating clinical multidisciplinary guidelines to improve such care in KP. He has chaired the KP HIV, Liver Disease, STI, and LGBTQ Health Conference since 2003, bringing together clinical and research staff to ensure best practices.

Under President Obama, Dr. Horberg served on the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA), and co-chaired the Access to Care and Improved Outcomes Committee. Dr. Horberg is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA). He is Past-Chair of the Board of Directors of the HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA). He has served on the IDSA Quality Performance Committee, and presently co-chairs the HIVMA/IDSA HIV Primary Care Guideline Committee. Dr. Horberg presently serves as the physician chair of the CDC-sponsored Health Care Action Group, promoting sexual health. He has chaired multiple Expert Panels on HIV-related provider performance measures (including ones sponsored by CMS, NCQA, and IDSA), and has served on NIH and CDC peer-review panels. He is past-president of the national Gay and Lesbian Medicine Association.

Dr. Horberg leads HIV, STI, and Infection Prevention for MAPMG. He directs LGBTQI+ care and led creation of Pride Medical and Gender Pathways clinics within KPMAS. In his role as medical director for KPMAS Community Health and chief medical officer for KPMAS Maryland and Virginia Medicaid, he works to improve health equity and care access for underserved populations in the region.

As Executive Director for research, he is responsible for all research in KPMAS. In this role, he leads a department of clinical and data research with over seventy employees. His HIV research interests are HIV quality measures, care improvement, and determinants of optimized multidisciplinary care for HIV-infected patients. He studies epidemiology of HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted and COVID infections, leading all hepatitis care programs and COVID efforts in KPMAS. Dr. Horberg has published over 200 manuscripts and delivered over 100 presentations at scientific meetings (all peer-reviewed).

As Director for Medical Education, he is the Designated Institutional Official for KPMAS, with responsibility for all undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education. He also leads the KPMAS Medical Genetics and Genomics strategy, and is Executive Sponsor for Commission on Cancer Accreditation and National Surgical Quality Improvement Program.

Dr. Horberg attended Boston University Medical School, and received his Master of Advanced Studies from University of California San Francisco. He completed his residency in internal medicine at University of Chicago Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center. He is a resident of Maryland, with his husband Chip and their pet poodle Grant.

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