Kaiser Permanente Research Bank
With more than 400,000 participants, the Kaiser Permanente (KP) Research Bank is one of the largest biobanks in the United States. It enables research studies related to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.
The Scientific Strengths of our Biobank

Biomolecular data
The KP Research Bank recently completed generating genotypic data on our more than 400,000 participants. Having this data accelerates its use for research, including advancing our clinical precision medicine work. Precision medicine enables researchers and doctors to tailor treatment options based on the genetic profile of an individual. We will continue to add depth to the resource through collection of different types of data such as diet, microbiome, and metabolomic in coming years.

Health and lifestyle data
More than 300,000 participants have completed one or more health and lifestyle questionnaires. This data along with participants’ medical information adds important scientific value for researchers studying how lifestyle and environment affects overall health and health outcomes.

Longitudinal medical record data
Because participants share information from their medical record, the KP Research Bank data can capture health changes over time, such as the relationship between risk factors and the development of disease or treatment pathways and health outcomes.

Our participants
Our participants are the most valuable part of our Biobank. Without their voluntary contribution of bio samples, health, and medical information, we wouldn’t be able to pave the way for advancing health discoveries.
Meet a research participant
I joined to contribute to the health of future generations

The KP Research Bank is a national KP program built to enable world-class research that contributes to advances in health care.