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KP Research Bank resources include biospecimens, genomic data, and self-reported health survey data, linkable to KP clinical data. Access to KP Research Bank resources by non-KP researchers requires collaboration with a KP researcher, who can help refine the phenotype of interest. Use of KP Research Bank resources is intended to facilitate publishable, public domain research that will advance the understanding of health and disease and improve care delivery.

Release of KP Research Bank resources is contingent upon study funding sufficient to cover the KP team’s scientific and administrative efforts, as well as KP Research Bank programming fees for preparation of de-identified datasets and/or biospecimens, IRB approval, and execution of appropriate material and/or data use agreements.

The Application Process

  1. Register to the KP Research Bank Project Portal
  2. Submit a preparatory to research (PTR) data request
  3. Submit your application
    (Get assistance identifying a KP collaborator, if needed)

Get started

To submit a PTR data request or application through the KP Research Bank Project Portal, register to create a new researcher account. You will receive a verification email in 1-2 business days with instructions for signing into your account. If you are already a registered user, sign in to access your researcher account.

RegisterSign in

Submit a PTR data request to determine if the KP Research Bank has the population you need to conduct research. KP Research Bank staff can provide cohort-specific aggregate data based on the study criteria provided by the researcher. Alternatively, for KP researchers, access to a web-based Query Tool can be granted, in which different cohort selection scenarios can be assessed. The KP researcher can make modifications to their selection criteria in real-time to see how it impacts the size and distribution of the population. The query can be saved and must be validated by KP Research Bank staff.

  • Complete and upload the KP Research Bank Preparatory to Research Attestation with your online PTR data request submission.
  • PTR data will be provided within 2-4 weeks of submission.
  • The results of completed and approved PTR data requests are valid for use in an application for up to one year.

The purpose of the application

  • Outline the proposed research study, including requested biospecimens and/or data.
  • Provide a brief lay summary of the proposed research study that can be understood by members of the public.
  • Outline the credentials and scientific qualifications of the study team.
  • Request assistance identifying a KP collaborator, if not already identified.

Working with a KP collaborator

The role of the KP collaborator is that of a scientific partner and study administrator. Collaborator responsibilities include:

  • Oversee the design and implementation of the study, including refinement of the data request, engagement with data provisioning tasks, and achievement of study goals.
  • Serve as expert on appropriate use of KP data.
  • Perform ongoing study administration, including obtaining regional study approvals necessary to conduct research, managing the IRB application, and reviewing and approving material and data use agreements.
  • Ensure that there is sufficient funding to cover the scientific and administrative efforts of the KP study team, as well as KP Research Bank costs to prepare and provide analytic datasets and/or biospecimens.
  • Serve as liaison among KP Research Bank and study team staff.

Application Submission Deadlines

February 15th, April 15th, June 15th, August 15th, October 15th, and December 15th.

Applications are reviewed by the ARC in the month following the submission and a decision will be returned within one week of the ARC meeting.

  • Get study funding and IRB approval.
  • Set up use agreements with the KP Research Bank.
  • Return data to the KP Research Bank.
  • Inform KP Research Bank of publications.

Use this guide for additional details

Our Access Review Committee and Application Review Criteria

The KP Research Bank Access Review Committee (ARC) reviews each application.

The KP Research Bank strives for transparency in the review process. This table outlines the KP Research Bank Application Review Criteria used to assess KP Research Bank applications. If you have questions about the review criteria or process, contact us.

Institutional Review Board

As a research institution, the KP Research Bank is required to have an Institutional Review Board (IRB) review and approve studies before they begin. This governing body includes physicians, scientists, and community representatives.

The goal of the IRB is to minimize risk to participants by ensuring that the KP Research Bank, as well as collaborating organizations and research scientists, follow federal research regulations, guidelines, and ethical principles.

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